Access to preview and control cameras from anywhere in the country and abroad
The iConstruction-CAM device provides remote camera management via the LTE network. The x25 zoom camera allows detailed and precise observation of places particularly vulnerable to failures or key to the implementation of the project. As a result, people managing several construction sites in remote locations can limit delegations and departures to a minimum.
Constant monitoring even in case of a power outage
iConstruction-CAM is equipped with an emergency power supply module that ensures uninterrupted operation for 4-6 hours, even in case of failure and temporary power outage.
Observation of the area within a radius of 200m (day and night)
The parameters of the camera have a number of functions allowing for detailed observation of large area and identification of people, eg detection of motion in an unacceptable area with automatic approximation for precise identification, automatic terrain scanning 360 degrees etc. Thanks to night-time IR provide monitoring both during the day and at night.
Controlling the camera settings is possible from any device with access to the Internet – iOS / Android phone, MAC / PC computer, recorder in the office, on TV.
Full HD content registration
iConstruction-CAM has on board / inside the ability to store very high quality recordings inside the device. The video can also be saved to an external drive or server via the built-in LTE transmission.
Easy change of device location
iConstruction-CAM is a standalone device equipped with a special grip allowing for very quick assembly in any place and allowing frequent changes of location. Such a mobile solution makes it easier to implementation of subsequent construction stages, e.g.
- another section of the highway or road
- a building that is already obscuring monitoring,
- need to monitor a new construction fragment
- or monitoring expensive machinery or landfills of expensive building materials
- Protection of stored construction materials in winter
The iConstruction-CAM camera is an excellent tool for securing building materials during the winter. During a break in construction works, your area will be automatically scanned and supervised.