Training list

Submit a request for technical and commercial training on Wireless CAMSAT IP camera systems.

In the application provide:

  • Country and city
  • The distributor with whom you purchase the CCTV range
  • Your telephone number
  • Your e-mail address

We will contact you and provide the nearest date of training in your region.

Registration for training

Phone: +48 52 387 36 58 ext. 21; or +48 690 626 213

Place of training

ul. Ogrodowa 2a
86-050 Solec Kujawski/Bydgoszcz

Our technical team presents mobile cameras for city monitoring and monitoring of construction sites throughout the country. Submit a request to test such products and we will contact you immediately to arrange a presentation date in your city.

Telefon: +48 690 626 213

Training suggestions

If you are interested in training in a specific product group, write to us.

Phone: +48 52 387 36 58 ext. 21; or +48 690 626 213